
Pharmacognosy is the subject which mainly deals with study of medicinal herbs. In this department, the college has two independent laboratories for degree and diploma courses. In addition, there is a herbal garden adjoining to the college building.

In the laboratory for B. Pharm. course, there are crude drugs mentioned in the syllabus along with basic apparatus like simple and compound microscopes, Soxhlet apparatus, Clevenger’s apparatus etc. also, there are wall charts describing histology of various crude drugs. The major instruments include:

  • Muffle furnace
  • Microtome
  • Projection microscope
  • Compound microscopes
  • BOD incubator
  • UV Cabinet
  • Water distillation unit
  • Water bath, hot plates
  • TLC chambers, applicator, plate maker etc.

Herbal Garden: The herbal garden is a place where various medicinal plants have been planted and nurtured. It includes the plants like aloe vera, arjuna, patharchat, nirgundi, black pepper, datura, amla, safed musli, clove, stevia etc. this is a exclusive collection of commonly used medicinal plants, where students can actually see these varieties and correlate with their theoretical knowledge.