1. Synthesis Laboratory
This Laboratory mainly deals with the chemical synthesis of Organic and Inorganic compounds. Chemical synthesis is the synthesis of complex chemical compounds from simpler ones.
Organic synthesis- It is the special branch of chemical synthesis which deals with the synthesis of Organic compounds. So many organic compounds are synthesized by the students in the synthesis lab such as Aspirin (Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic), Paracetamol (Antipyretic and Analgesic), and Phenytoin (Anti-epileptic).
Inorganic synthesis- In this, there is preparation of compounds from significant non-organic content and few examples of inorganic compounds which are synthesized by the students are Boric acid (Anti-bacterial) and Potash alum (Astringent).
In this lab, students are exposed to chemistry demonstration, experimental work and other activities such as:-
- Molecular model preparation
- Identification of Organic compound
- To perform boiling point and melting point of organic compounds
- Recrystallisation
- Distillation
- Assay of the drugs
This lab provides students to gain experience by using the different techniques employed in synthesis of the drug molecule and also helps them to develop their practical knowledge and skills which is the present demand for industry and for highly competent research laboratories.
Major equipments:- Hot air oven, IR lamp, Digital weighing balance, reflux condensor, melting point apparatus, fuming hood, water bath, hot plate and magnetic stirrer.
2. Analysis laboratory
This laboratory mainly deals with analytical chemistry i.e. study and use of instruments and methods to separate, identify and quantify matter. Mainly two classical methods of analysis are applied.
- Qualitative analysis (Identify analytes)
- Chemical test
- Flame test
- Quantitative analysis (Determine the numerical amount and concentration)
- Volumetric analysis
- Gravimetric analysis
- Instumental methods- Spectroscopy (UV, Flame and IR)
- Electrochemical analysis- Potentiometry, voltametry, amperometry
- Thermal analysis-Calorimetry and Thermogravimetric analysis
- Separation-Column chromatography, paper chromatography and HPLC.
Major equipments- UV, HPLC, Flame photometer, flourimeter, calorimeter, conductivity meter, pH-meter, potentiometer, bath sonication and digital balance.
3. Biochemistry Laboratory
Biochemistry is the field of applied biology and chemistry and is appropriate for the students those who are interested in the delivery of health care services. In this laboratory students learn about the normal functioning of the body, process of converting raw material or nutritional chemicals into more valuable biomolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleic acids etc.
Major Equipments:- Polarimeter, pH meter, Centrifuge, colorimeter, Refractrometer, Microscope.